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General terms and conditions - ÚĽUV

General terms and conditions

General terms and conditions

General terms and conditions for courses and Holidays with craft event

The Centre for Folk Art Production in Bratislava, Obchodná 64, 816 11 Bratislava, Reg. ID: 00164429, craft@uluv.sk (hereinafter referred to as “ÚĽUV”) implements educational activities through its Regional Craft Centres of ÚĽUV Bratislava, Banská Bystrica and Košice by means of the ÚĽUV School of Crafts (hereinafter referred to as the “school”). These general terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as the “GTC”) govern and form part of the legal relations between ÚĽUV and the participant in the provision of the service.

Participants in educational activities or courses organised by ÚĽUV through its school may be a natural person or a legal person with full legal capacity. A legal guardian acts on behalf of underage participants of the course and the event. A participant is a person who duly completes an application form for a specific course or event designated by ÚĽUV as well as other persons for whose benefit the application form for a specific course or event has been duly completed and sent.

Supervisory authority:
Slovak Trade Inspection (SOI)
Bajkalská 21/A, P. O. BOX 29
827 99  Bratislava

Article I.
ÚĽUV School of Crafts

1.1 The Centre for Folk Art Production in Bratislava carries out educational activities through its Regional Craft Centres of ÚĽUV Bratislava, Banská Bystrica and Košice by means of the ÚĽUV School of Crafts (hereinafter referred to as the “school”).

1.2 Educational activities of the school are of the nature of interest and further non-formal education. The aim of the school’s educational activities is to maintain the continuity of the public’s relationship to a part of the cultural heritage, to promote the links of the participants to ÚĽUV and its regional centres and to provide professional and quality educational programmes for different target groups.

1.3 On the basis of the conditions set out below, the school provides training to participants according to the training programmes and courses published on the ÚĽUV website.

Article II.
Registration for courses and the Holiday with craft event

2.1 The contract between the organiser and the participant is concluded by the valid acceptance of the proposal.

2.2 The method of registering a participant for a specific course and for the Holiday with craft event (hereinafter referred to as the “event”) is possible by filling in and submitting an electronic application form (hereinafter referred to as the “application form”) on the ÚĽUV website www.uluv.sk. The validity of the application form is subject to the completion of all the mandatory data in the application form. Completion and delivery of the application form and payment of the amount in question in accordance with the published prices approved by the ÚĽUV quotation letter from the participant constitutes valid acceptance of the proposal and thus conclusion of the contract.

2.3 In the event that the conclusion of the contract does not take place at the organiser’s premises, but through one or more means of remote communication without the simultaneous physical presence of the contracting parties, these GTC are governed by act No. 102/2014 Coll., the Act on Consumer Protection in the Sale of Goods or the Provision of Services under a Distance Contract or a Contract Concluded Outside the Seller’s Premises and on Amendments and Additions to Certain Acts.

2.4 The subject of the contract is the provision of services related to leisure time activities at the agreed time or within the agreed period of time pursuant to Section 7(6)(k) of Act No. 102/2014 Coll., and thus the participant may not withdraw from the contract otherwise and within the period of time as specified in these GTC.

2.5 When registering a participant for the event, the legal representative is obliged to provide all information about the participant’s medical and mental condition, in particular information about chronic diseases, allergies, special diet and regularly taken medications. Otherwise, ÚĽUV is not responsible for the consequences caused to health.

2.6 By completing the application form, the participant/legal representative acknowledges the risk of injury from the use of sharps and tools and agrees to the risks that could arise in the event of an accident.

2.7 When completing the application form, the entrant is obliged to enter all information correctly and truthfully, using accents. The application form is also a binding draft contract for the provision of services by ÚĽUV to the participant, to which the specific application form is linked and is the basis for invoicing.

2.8 By submitting the application form, the participant confirms that he/she has been informed of the general terms and conditions for the courses and the Holidays with craft event and undertakes to duly pay the price of the ordered service.

2.9 Upon receipt of the application form, ÚĽUV will process the application form, enrol the participant in the course and confirm the booking to the participant and send him/her a proforma invoice.

2.10 The offer of courses is active by publishing them on the ÚĽUV website. The duration of the course offer and the possibility to register for a given course is determined exclusively by ÚĽUV. The capacity of the course is limited. Priority for registration is given to participants who have previously registered and paid for the course by the due date set by ÚĽUV.

2.11 In the case of individual courses and courses for couples, the participant does not register for a specific course date. ÚĽUV undertakes to process the application, to include the participant in the course and to confirm the booking to the participant within 3 working days of receipt of the application. The participant is entitled to confirm, cancel or arrange a change of date with the specific regional centre within one week of receipt of the application form. After the participant confirms the booking/date of the course, ÚĽUV will send the participant a proforma invoice.

Article III.
Payment for courses

3.1 After the conclusion of the contract according to Article 2(2), the participant is obliged to pay the agreed price to the course organizer and to attend the course duly and on the appointed date.

3.2 Payment for the course or event (hereinafter referred to as “course fee” must be made in advance according to the details specified in the invoice.

3.3 If the participant fails to pay the course fee by the due date, the reservation for the course or event will be cancelled.

3.4 The participant acknowledges that the right to receive the services related to the course or event shall only arise upon proper payment of the course fee.

3.5 The due date is considered to be the date of crediting the course fee to ÚĽUV’s bank account.

3.6 Upon payment of the course fee, an invoice will be issued to the participant, which the participant will receive at the start of the course or collect in person at the school office.

Article IV.

4.1 The course fee is set by the price list issued by the ÚĽUV price committee. For the participant, the amount of the course fee is final and includes the work of the lecturer, materials for teaching, the provision of working tools and aids during the work in the workshop and meals during the Holiday with craft event.

4.2 The products made by the participant himself/herself during the work in the workshop during and in connection with the course are the property of the participant.

Article V.
Withdrawal and cancellation conditions

5.1 The participant has the right to withdraw from the contract before the start of the course or event by written notice, which is effective from the date of its delivery to the school (in person, by letter, by e-mail).

5.2 The amount of the contractual penalty (cancellation fees) is set depending on the time of withdrawal, according to the number of days before the start of the course, as follows:

a) 20 working days or more before the start of the course cancellation fee of 10% of the course price,
b) 19 – 15 working days before the start of the course cancellation fee of 20% of the course price,
c) 14 – 10 working days before the start of the course cancellation fee of 30% of the course price,
d) 9 – 5 working days before the start of the course cancellation fee of 50% of the course price,
e) 4 – 1 working days before the start of the course cancellation fee of 100%, i.e. full price of course.

Holiday with craft
a) 30 working days or more before the start of the event cancellation fee of 50% of the price,
b) 29 – 14 working days before the start of the event cancellation fee of 80% of the price,
c) 13 – 1 working days before the start of the event cancellation fee of 100%, i.e. full price of event.

Individual courses and courses for couples
a) 5 – 2 working days before the start of the course cancellation fee of 50% of the course price,
b) 1 working day before the start of the course cancellation fee of 100%, i.e. full price of course.

5.3 For the purpose of determining the number of days for the calculation of cancellation fees, the day on which the cancellation was duly notified to the school shall not be counted.

5.4 The school has the right to withdraw from the contract if the course capacity is not filled 2 days before the start of the course. The school will notify the participant of this fact and refund the full amount of the course fee.

5.5 The school reserves the right to change the date of the course. The school will notify the participant and refund the full amount of the course fee if the change of date is not convenient for the participant.

5.6 The school reserves the right to change the organization of the course (short-term interruption of the course due to illness of the lecturer, change of lecturer, change of teaching material, teaching aids, change of classroom), without the right to refund the course fee paid to the participant.

5.7 Each of the parties shall have the right to withdraw from the contract if the performance of the obligations under this contract becomes impossible or extremely difficult as a result of unforeseen serious circumstances (declaration of an emergency, state of emergency, natural disaster, official prohibition, unplanned emergency hospitalization, etc.), provided that the occurrence of the circumstances on the basis of which it is withdrawing from the contract is immediately notified to and verifiably demonstrated by the other party. In such a case, all rights and obligations of the parties under this agreement shall cease without the right to demand performance thereof from the other party.

Article VI.
Missed lessons

6.1 The school does not provide any financial compensation for a participant’s absence. If organisational possibilities allow, the school may offer the participant to attend the missed lesson in justified cases (e.g. illness and upon written request) in another course in the same calendar or school year. This is at the sole discretion of the school. This form of making up a missed lesson is above and beyond the participant’s entitlement.

Article VII.
Rights and obligations of participants and the school

The basic obligations of the participants include:

7.1 The participant of the course or event is obliged to follow all safety and organizational instructions of the school, lecturers and school staff and to comply with the established program and working procedures.

7.2 The participant is required to attend the course or event in good health and mental condition.

7.3 The participant is obliged to act in such a way as to avoid damage to health or property to the detriment of other participants, service providers or the school.

7.4 Adhere to the arrival time for the course or event specified in the organizational instructions or invitation.

7.5 On arrival at the event, hand in all the necessary documents listed in the organizational instructions or the invitation.

7.6 In case of emergency situations, provide the necessary documents and respect the instructions ordered by the Slovak Health Service or the State of the Slovak Republic.

The basic obligations of the school include:

7.7 Inform the participants or legal representatives of all material facts known to them which may affect the rights and obligations of the participants.

7.8 At least 5 days before the start of the course (if the circumstances of the organisation of the course allow) or event, deliver to the participants or legal representatives the organisational instructions or invitation to the course or event in the form of an e-mail.

7.9 Ensure adequate lecturing team, pedagogical supervision, material and technical support for education.

7.10 In the event of an accident or other health complications during the event, he/she will provide first aid and, if necessary, call the emergency medical services. He/she will then contact the legal guardian.

ÚĽUV is entitled to exclude a participant from a course or event:

7.11 In case of violation of the rules, especially violation of order, non-observance of safety instructions, work procedures, theft, use of alcoholic beverages or other addictive substances during the course or event.

7.12 In the case of concealment of a participant’s adverse health condition.

7.13 If the participant is excluded for the above reasons, the participant loses the right to a refund of the course fee for unused services.

7.14 In case of non-observance of safety rules and arbitrary movement during the event or course, ÚĽUV is not responsible for injuries and damages caused to the participant.

7.15 The Provider shall not be liable to the participant for any losses, costs, damages or expenses suffered by the participant or incurred during the provision of the service as a direct or indirect result of an event beyond the control of the provider (i.e. caused by force majeure). The provider shall not be liable for short-term reduced quality of service, failure of the international or national Internet network or damages caused by force majeure. By force majeure are meant in particular cases that lead to partial or total non-provision of the service within the meaning of these general terms and conditions, which are mainly natural disasters, epidemics and pandemics, natural disasters, strikes, traffic accidents, unforeseeable breakdowns of means of transport, fires, emergencies, etc. The assumption is that the provider could not have prevented such a failure to provide services.

7.16 The provider is not responsible for loss, damage or theft of loose property and recommends not to bring valuable items (mobile phones, tablets, watches, etc.) to the courses and the event.

Article VIII.
Issuance of a certificate of completion

8.1 The school issues a certificate of course completion (Level I – Certificate of course completion, Level II – Certificate of completion of interest course, Level III – Certificate of completion of accredited continuing education programme) in accordance with the statute of the ÚĽUV examination commission. In order to obtain the certificate, the trainee must meet the specified conditions. Issuing the certificate is free of charge.

Article IX.
Final provisions

9.1 The participant expressly acknowledges that any materials provided by the school are subject to intellectual property rights. To this end, the participant expressly undertakes to refrain from any action that would infringe these rights, in particular by making copies of the materials and their redistribution, without the prior consent of the authorised person.

9.2 These general terms and conditions enter into force on the date of their approval and publication on the ÚĽUV website.

9.3 Methodological instruction No. 03/2021/MP general terms and conditions for courses and Holidays with craft is repealed.

9.4 The Director of the Regional Craft Centre of ÚĽUV is responsible for controlling compliance with the methodological instruction.